Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Artificial River Ch 1 - by T. D.

The Erie Canal and the paradox of progress, 1817-1862. The Artificial River uses the Erie Canal region as a microcosm in which to explore the relationship: widespread geographic mobility; rapid environment change; market expansion; the reorganization of work; and moral reform. Changes in social structural, led Northerners and Midwesterners to perceive themselves as different from the South. Beginning in 1792 Western Inland Lock Navigation Company and the Northern Inland Lock Navigation Company tried to turn a profit by improving some of the waterways themselves. Stronger advocates of the Erie Canal. Western Company built canals, dams and locks along the Mohawk River. The Archibalds sold their cloth and wheat in New York City. While also growing rye, corn, barley, peas, oats and potatoes. Settlers aimed not just to secure independence but rather to earn money and to profit from their connections to a larger commercial world. Founding Fathers divided into two main schools of thought about how to develop the country's economy.

Historians would agree that farmers sought ways to unload agricultural “ surplus” these scholars argue, suggests that the average farmer did not intentionally produce for trade, and not for a market beyond the collar community. When farmers did exchange goods and services with neighbors, these transactions rarely involved cash because they saw no use for assigning monetary values. By cutting off legal trade with European nations, the embargoes had the unintended effect of raising the prices of those American goods that nonetheless reached European ports.

One of the questions that was discussed in class was “Erie canal had a lot of changed when the canal construction started.” Motivated by a combination of economic and ideological imperatives, politicians in both the national and state levels embraced initiatives to expand the young nation’s transportation networks. Batavia was home to offices of the Holland Land Company, business center and transportation hub in the 1810s. Congress passed an internal improvements bill that included funding for the New York  canal, but Madison vetoed that act. War had inflamed political divisions within the state. The state ultimately constructed eight other canals, and scores of smaller tributary waterways. The Fourth of July was finally that day that Americans put aside their differences and got unity once for all.

I want to know more about the Fourth of July, a day of national unity. And how Americans generally accepted that they were part of a political experiment. The debate over the ratification of the federal Constitution had divided them into Federalists and Antifederalists. Antifederalists period is mostly used related to war.