Monday, March 13, 2017

Nathaniel Macon - Anti-Federalist by B. M.

Throughout the reading of Nathaniel Macon, Antifederalist you get the feeling of the times you get to look in and see what political life was like in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. William S. Price Jr. writes about Macon’s views of how the colonies are being run. The peace is very persuasive in making me feel like being an antifederalist. He does this by explaining how a large government loses touch from its constituencies. A large government is easily corrupted by having less personal accountability. Macon’s views are that a small local government will work for the people because those you serve in government are your neighbors.
The purpose of this essay I feel was to educate. It does seem to be slightly bias in favor to the antifederalist. The ideals of the antifederalist seem powerful and noble while when the federalist is written about there are very strong words in opposition. Such as Tyranny, Moral decay and that med in the antifederalist movement were virtuous men hint to the thought that federalist was not of virtuous. I do feel that the essay was very heavy handed in favor of the Antifederalist and would have liked to hear more of the federalist view, but not from the mouth of Macon rather the voice of an actual Federalist.
While in class we could draw closer connection between the starting of our country and political parties and what we have evolved into today. More specifically we discussed the views of Antifederalist and their juxtaposition to Republicans today with smaller government and less government in our personal lives. We discussed the fact that Macon was very constant with his political views and the rarity of that today. We discussed how antifederalist wanted a definite separation of church and state and that until the mid-1900’s the men that ran the country did so without allowing their religious views dictate how they governed.
It would be very interesting to see what Nathaniel Macon’s thought of out political system today. If the future, he saw for America e=was still present or did we completely cannibalize his vision. How would the world have changed if we would have held strong of the beliefs of our founding fathers?